Clean Drinking Water and Groundwater
Ensuring the safety of drinking water starts with properly maintained wells. Private wells provide water for many households, but their safety depends on regular testing and proper care. Contaminants like nitrates, bacteria, or arsenic can seep into wells, posing health risks to you and your family. Routine water testing is important to ensure your drinking water remains clean and safe. We can guide you to local and state programs that offer water testing services and provide expert advice on addressing any concerns.

Unused or unsealed wells also pose risks to groundwater safety. These wells can act as direct pathways for pollutants to enter aquifers, potentially affecting drinking water for surrounding communities. Sealing unused wells not only protects our shared water resources but also prevents accidents and liability issues. We offer financial assistance programs to help you seal unused or unsealed private wells, reducing the cost burden and contributing to the protection of our vital groundwater supplies.
Well Owner's Handbook: A Consumer's Guide to Water Wells in Minnesota [PDF]Licensed Well and Boring Contractor Directory [MN Department of Health - External Site]