Volunteer Water Monitoring Program
Join more than 1,400 Minnesotans who track the health of their favorite lake or stream — become a volunteer water monitor today! Community members in every county can join the water quality movement by signing up to be a water monitor through the MPCA’s Volunteer Monitoring Programs. With 69,000 miles of streams and over 14,000 lakes in Minnesota, more volunteer monitors are needed to help track the health of our waters. No prior experience or training is required – just a love of water. All equipment and training is provided by the MPCA free of charge.

Find out if your favorite lake or stream needs monitoring by using the MPCA’s interactive map. To become a volunteer or learn more about the program, visit the Volunteer water monitoring enrollment webpage, or call (651) 296-6300 (Twin Cities) or (800) 657-3864 (Greater Minnesota).