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History of the Board of Supervisors

The Kanabec Soil Conservation District was established by a majority vote of the people in the district on August 11, 1950. The Board of Supervisors first met on January 6, 1951. The original Board consisted of:

Charles Bassett

Elmer James

William B. Pearson

John Talley

Peter Wilkins

The name of the District was changed to the Kanabec Soil and Water Conservation District on March 10, 1959. The Onanegozie Resource Conservation and Development Project was formed in 1964 and includes Aitkin, Carlton, Kanabec and Pine Counties.

The Kanabec SWCD was the first district in Minnesota to include villages in the District. The legislature brought all villages into their respective SWCD's in 1971. 

The following people have served as supervisors since the district was organized:

Supervisors Service Chart

Supervisors Service Chart

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