Financial Assistance
Kanabec SWCD offers financial assistance for certain types of high-priority water quality restoration and protection projects. The assistance typically comes in the form of cost-share, where the SWCD will reimburse the landowner between 50% and 75% of the cost of project installation. Most of our funding comes from state grants that target areas of the county in need of water quality improvement or protection. Although funds may not be available for your project now, we still want to hear about your needs as we are continuously applying for new grants.
Beyond cost-share funds, the District administers the AgBMP loan program. These low-interest (3%) loans can be used for most improvements that have a water quality benefit – anything from septic system upgrades to no-till planting equipment.
In addition, we work closely with the Natural Resources Conservation Service to enhance financial assistance for certain federal programs such as Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP).