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Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Program

Take the Pledge!

I will always take these required steps to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS):
  • Clean my boat and gear to remove plants and prohibited invasive species.
  • Drain all water and leave plugs out during transport.
  • Dispose of unwanted bait in the trash.
  • Never release bait, plants or aquarium pets into Minnesota waters.
  • Dry docks, lifts and rafts for 21 days before moving them from one water body to another.
I will take these additional steps to reduce the risk of spreading AIS whenever possible:
  • Decontaminate my equipment – find free stations at
  • Spray my equipment with high-pressure water or rinse it with very hot water
    (120 degrees for at least two minutes or 140 degrees for at least 10 seconds).
  • Dry my boat and gear for five days before using in another water body.

Kanabec County Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Aid (AISPA)

A rope tied to a white railing on a boat with water in the background.

Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Aid (AISPA) is a specific purpose aid distributed at the county level. The aid is allocated to all counties in the state as follows: 50 percent based on each county's share of watercraft trailer launches and 50 percent based on each county's share of watercraft trailer parking spaces.

Kanabec County is receiving $47,000 from the State of Minnesota in 2025 to prevent or limit the spread of non-native, aquatic species at water access points withing the county. Kanabec County has delegated program responsibility to Kanabec SWCD, and Kanabec SWCD uses this dedicated funding to inspect watercraft at boat launches, conduct public outreach and education around AIS prevention, and, when funding allows, spray-treat lakes to limit populations of already present vegetative aquatic invasive species. 

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