A Brief History of Kanabec SWCD's Service to the County, by William B. Pearson (written circa 1975)
The Kanabec Soil and Water Conservation District is marking its 75th anniversary in 2025. Here is a brief history of its service to the county, written by a man who had been active in its work from the beginning, William B. Pearson of Ogilvie. The first board meeting mentioned was only 74 years ago, but preliminary work on setting things in motion began the previous year, making the service 75 years old in 2025.
A Brief History of Kanabec SWCD's Service to the County, a newspaper clipping written by William B. Pearson (circa 1975)
Bill Pearson performed 32 years of service with Kanabec SWCD as a Board Supervisor since its start in 1950.
On January 6, 1951, the District Board held its first meeting. At this and subsequent meetings, Mr. [M.A.] Thorfinnson [then Executive Secretary of the Minnesota State Soil Conservation Committee], oriented the Board in District operations and instructed members as to their responsibilities. The first work program was adopted on May 25, 1951.
The first annual meeting of co-cooperators was held on March 27, 1953, in the courtroom with 120 in attendance. Our annual meetings have enjoyed such speakers as Jim Hill and Maynard Speece of WCCO; Byron Allen, then Commissioner of Agriculture and Dr. George Selke, then Commissioner of Conservation, and Governor Orville Freeman addressed the group in 1956.
District Conservationist Gerald Sullivan held neighborhood group meetings in all townships with farmers to acquaint them with district programs.
To prove that austerity often was the word, the minutes record that the board borrowed $65.00 from Robert Thompson when he was secretary of the board. The note was endorsed by three members of the board. Three months later the note was paid.
Tours have been held for businessmen, ministers and others to orient them in conservation practices. On occasion, the board with the District Conservationist toured by themselves.
Field days and plowing contests proved educational as well as entertaining. The first plowing contest was held Aug. 27, 1952, on the Tom Hunter farm in Brunswick. First place was awarded to William Ketter, second to Rodney Welton and third to Clarence Welander of Braham. Representative Fred Marshall addressed the attendance of 250 farmers. It is interesting to note the next year, the contest was held again on the same farm and Rodney Welton won the first place.
In 1971, the District won the Goodyear Award. Ed Anderson, Outstanding Farmer and Ruben Falk, Supervisor of the District, enjoyed a trip to Florida.
For many years, the District has had a booth at the Kanabec County Fair and a float in the parade.
Three air tours were enjoyed during the Fair, at which time passengers observed the many soil and water practices from the air. We wish to thank the people who made these Air Tours possible for the District.
The District Tree Planter began operations in 1955. The District build a new planter in 1959 and now operates two. Thousands of trees have been planted.
The District has provided prizes for 4-H and FFA-FHA conservation contests.
Annually youths enter the speech contest sponsored by the State Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts.
The District Board encourages the observance of Soil Stewardship week, and provides pastors with materials for sermons.
Our District Conservationists have trained three men as District Conservationists: Kon Bergum currently of the Pine City District, Wesley Cashman of the Sherburne District and Les Schmidt of Brown County.
The Kanabec County District for many years entered the Minneapolis Tribune Conservation Contest. Upon termination of this program, the District has consistently scored high in the Distinguished Service Award Program which replaced the Tribune Contest sponsored by the Farmer magazine.
As a part of the Tribune Contest and more recently the Distinguished Service Program, our board has annually chosen an Outstanding Kanabec County Farmer. Those honored are as follows:
- Richard Nehring (1952)
- John Bartelma (1953)
- Andrew Berg (1954)
- Russell Strandlund (1955)
- Doering Bros. (1956)
- Corky Nelson (1957)
- William and Gale Enger (1958)
- Ray Graber (1959)
- Elmer Altoff (1960)
- Marvin Oslund (1961)
- Duke Martens (1962)
- Andrew Vander Vegt (1963)
- Wayne Johnson (1964)
- Gunnard Carlson (1965)
- Elmer Koch (1966)
- Gary Linder (1967)
- Glenn Wentworth (1968)
- Ralph Johnson (1969)
- Dean and Gary Heald (1970)
- Edward Anderson (1971)
- Lothair and Thomas Bracewell (1972)
- James Evenson (1973)
- Glenn Sawyer (1974)