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Mora Stormwater Study

 Kanabec SWCD has been partnering with WENCK Associates to conduct the Mora Stormwater Study! This study will tell us where stormwater projects would most benefit our community’s water quality as well as which projects would be most cost effective. Kanabec SWCD is excited to work with the City of Mora and the public to implement stormwater BMPs (Best Management Practices) to improve and protect local water quality in the near future!

Map of Mora subwatershed assessment with color-coded areas, rivers, and monitoring locations.
Existing stormwater ponds within the subwatersheds of Mora.

Public Meeting

Purpose: To review the results of this report with the public
Date:  Tues. May 16
Where: Mora City Hall 101 Lake Street South, Mora, MN 55051
When: 6:00pm (City Council meeting to follow at 6:30)

Present at the meeting will be Wenck Associates and Kanabec SWCD.  The Mora Stormwater Presentation from this meeting is here.

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